光滑的皮肤-打蜡沙龙HTML5登陆页面模板 by ZEMEZ
Basit -美容院 & Spa登陆页面模板 by Theme_Family
美发沙龙响应式登陆页面模板 by RockThemes
VOSK -男士理发店HTML5登陆页面模板 by owcoding
AlLax美 & Spa中心登陆页面模板 by fullsky
Hstyle美容院登陆页HTML5模板 by Metropolitanthemes
Laserpro脱毛登陆页面模板 by Metropolitanthemes
绅士理发师美容店登陆页面模板 by Metropolitanthemes
理发店-登陆页面模板 by NA_Studio
ArtistryBay沙龙-美发沙龙登陆一页响应式HTML网站模板 by Pentabay
理发师-经典发型登陆页面模板 by MotoCMS
诺亚坎贝尔-巴伯简历MotoCMS 3登陆页模板 by MotoCMS
头发扩展着陆页模板 by MotoCMS
美发沙龙响应式登陆页面模板 by MotoCMS
模板名称 | 下载 | Price |
卷发美发沙龙优雅的HTML登陆页模板 | 57 | $18 |
AlLax美 & Spa中心登陆页面模板 | 8 | $21 |
理发店-登陆页面模板 | 2 | $21 |
理发师-经典发型登陆页面模板 | 34 | $23 |
ArtistryBay沙龙-美发沙龙登陆一页响应式HTML网站模板 | 0 | $34 |
A site consists of one page, where you can navigate through the menu by scrolling. Simple and convenient navigation without additional page reloading simplifies the process of information perception. Stylish execution of the hair salon landing page templates creates a single impression of the company. The preloading effect for the site - preloader - visually displays the process of loading website elements.
美发师给你的容貌 & 设计师登陆页模板
Important information on the salon pages is presented in a simple and accessible way. The advantages and capabilities of the company are described in information blocks: about the salon, 服务, 相片画廊, reviews, 员工. The section "About the salon" demonstrates the main idea of the composition of the solution. The proportion of elements and the gallery's transformation plays a key role here. 同样值得注意的是,在文本部分使用滚动的实用性, which, in turn, does not violate the compositional idea of the beauty salon landing page and does not limit the site administrator in the amount of filling the block with text information.
- 引导.
- 谷歌地图.
- Tabs.
- W3C有效代码.
- JQuery.
- HTML + JS.
- Parallax.
Landings are considered separately since the former have a specific goal (conversion), 为了这个目的, 您应该限制主页上的多余数据.
健康和美容服务是利润丰厚的行业. 在我们这个时代, 充满了问题和压力, people, 尤其是女性, 不愿意为自己和自己的健康省钱. But organizing a profitable business in this area is possible only for those who know how to present themselves and properly promote their image to the client.
- offer highly specialized 服务 - for example, eyelash extensions, facial cleansing, haircuts, etc.
- 有一个独特的报价-例如, 用一种特殊的手法按摩, 由稀有成分制成的面具, 打折或促销, 为拜访客户提供服务, etc.
- have a website, but it is not effective enough, and you need to increase conversion
- 我想测试一下对你的报价的需求.
选择理发店的登陆页面为男士美容院. 让我们看一看为头发软膏编写的演示页面.
You can use the different content sections to highlight your business and present your unique solutions to serious problems for potential customers. 你可以建立一个投资组合,为你的设计项目添加引人注目的视觉效果.
如何使用发型师 & 设计师单页网站模板
创造一个有竞争力的形象,并确认你的专业知识. 美丽与健康, 这一点尤其重要,因为这个行业的竞争非常激烈, 但这种能力往往是不够的, 这吓跑了顾客.
一旦你下载了所有, 并且您对站点的外观感到满意, 有几个步骤:
- 您可以订购托管和注册域名. 对于一个简单的网站,你需要最基本的计划. 为网站支付一年的托管费用时, most hosters provide a free domain name - the web address your site will be located. 你可以利用这个机会,但是单独购买域名更好. 如果您决定更改主机,您将需要这个.
- 选择CMS. 不像搭建平台, platforms like WordPress or Joomla provide you with virtually unlimited possibilities for changing the design, 添加功能, scaling, 并将站点转移到另一个站点.
- 到WordPress官方存储库下载最新的正式版本. After that, the downloaded archive must be uploaded to the server using the SSH or FTP protocol.
- 下载美容院登陆页面.
- 添加内容.
取决于单页发模板, you may have several types of menus located in different parts of the site: main (on top), side, 在“页脚”(在网站的“页脚”). A good landing page for a beauty salon will convince a potential client of your professional knowledge and skills and inspire confidence in him.